I am passionate about developing leaders and talents who want to grow and explore new personal limits.
Managing Partner
I am a qualified…
As a consultant and master trainer in the field of experiential learning, group dynamics and coaching. I can deal with emotionally loaded situations and motivate people in challenging interpersonal situations where I can use both my analytical and emotional skills.
I have led…
People as project manager and people manager in the area of sustainable quality management.
I am professionally trained…
In a range of HR development tools and products, such as Situational Leadership, Experiential Learning, Group Dynamics, Leadership Development, Hypnosis, Body Centred Approaches, Behavioural Assessment and Personal Coaching.
I hold…
A Masters degree in education and psychology from the University of Zurich. I am certified as a Gestalt therapist, Logosynthesis practitioner and hypnosis coach as well as quality manager and have an education in organisational constellation and NLP.
I am passionate about…
Stretching leaders' and talents' personal boundaries, pushing them gently out of their comfort zone and acting as a catalyst for personal and organisational growth.
I also love making extensive trips to colourful countries like Brazil, building deep personal relationships.